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Category: Social Emotional Learning

The dangers of Social Emotional Learning

At the recent board of education there was some discussion by the board on Social Emotional Learning (SEL)and how wonderful it is for the kids. If all I knew about SEL is what the board told us I would be onboard for it too. But I’ve seen the stories that are being told across our nation about the darker side of SEL.

I am going to share one story that was sent to me today by a concerned parent. This story takes place in CA, the birthplace of SEL. You know the old saying, as goes California so goes the nation. This story takes place in California and it is common there for SEL to tell youth that sex is normal and healthy. Some even encourage children to do it. Social Emotional Learning is used by sexual predators through emotional manipulations to sexualize children. The link to the Daily Wire story is below.

A leading “social emotional learning” program that contracts with schools and holds intimate talks with children is led by an astrology-peddling mystic who pushed girls as young as 12 to have sex and appears to have failed to report child abuse and at least one case of rape, according to an investigation by The Daily Wire. –

Social Emotional Learning is being taught in the Cameron school district. Parents should learn more about SEL and make appointments with the district to see the curriculum. It can be used by bad actors to sexualize our kids. But it can be used for other bad purposes too. Do a search for “dangers of social emotional learning” and prepare to be frustrated. Social Emotional Learning is like Critical Race Theory on steroids.