Settlement agreement with Cameron R-1 school district

Here is the full settlement agreement between myself and the Cameron R-1 school district relating to the federal lawsuit under 42 USC 1983 for violations of my 1st and 14th Amendment. The lawsuit ends with this agreement. All of the details are included in this document.

Cameron R-1 school district board meeting Dec 19, 2023

Here is the video from the Cameron R-1 school districts board of education meeting from December 19, 2023. There are time stamps in the description for the video. There was an update in this video to the ongoing book fight.

More rights violations at the Cameron R-1 School district?

In March of 2023, the board of education amended policy BDDH-1 to allow them to place specific restrictions on citizens addressing the board of education during public meetings. One of those changes allows the board to restrict a citizen from discussing a topic which has previously been discussed before the board in the past 90 days.

The problem is that the school district and board of education are selectively enforcing that policy. Watch the video below for details.

Local Cameron tax payer addresses the Cameron board of education about books

Mrs Debbie Cox addresses the Cameron school districts board of education to talk about the sexually explicit books they are making available to students in the school libraries. Some of those books violate Missouri law and statute 573.550, prohibition against schools providing sexually explicit content to minors.

The Missouri Association of School Librarians and their right to read guidelines

Tonya O’Boyle, NW MASL president

In the Cameron high school library, the process and reason behind the sexually explicit books which have been added to the school libraries makes sense when you know the players behind the scenes. Or in this instance, it is the state library association known as MASL. It is the position of this organization that children should be permitted to read any content they want to read.

Listen to this interview with the President of the Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) and then ask yourself, should an organization with these stated goals and opinions about parents be creating our guidelines on what content will be made available to children?

A Child Called It, available at the Cameron middle and high schools

In the video below is a bit of a reading from the Dave Pelzer autobiography, A Child Called IT. This book is made available in the Cameron R-1 school district to children as early as the 6th grade. We also read from the review of this book by a current high school ELA teacher who refers to it as “horrific and terrifying.

No restrictions of any kind are placed on this book by the Cameron school district. The district does not require parental approval for their children to read this book. Call me old fashioned, but the school district should REQUIRE the express permission of parents before they give them books to read that contain content like this.

20 books found in CHS library catalog were removed from other Missouri schools for containing porn

Slaughterhouse 5 graphic novel found in CHS library catalogRecently a local Cameron resident, Mr Dan Landi, shared with me a book he found in the Cameron high school library. He found it with the school districts online book catalog through the school districts website. The book was the graphic novel version of Slaughterhouse Five. This was of particular interest because it contains pictures of people having sex, making it illegal for school to provide to children under Missouri statute 573.550. I confirmed the book showed as being in the online catalog through the resource Go Follett by selecting the state and appropriate school. I was able to find it in the CHS library catalog.

I found a website dedicated to the book fight in the Rockwood, MO, school district called Library Exposed. Searching their website I was able to see some of the images found in the book Slaughterhouse Five. I was able to determine why MO schools were pulling it. I will link directly to that page for the adults who want to be informed.

That got me curious, I wondered how many other books were in Cameron high school that had been pulled from Missouri schools for containing porn, as defined by Missouri statute 573.550. A quick internet search and I found an article from November of 2022 which said 300 books had been banned in Missouri because of the then newly implemented law. The article linked to a google document where there is a list of books and their authors which have been removed by various Missouri school district. A little copy and paste and I was able to see how many of those books still showed up in the Cameron high school library. To my dismay, I found 20 books in the Cameron high school library which appear other schools in Missouri determined were sexually explicit enough to remove . Twenty books which other Missouri school districts pulled from their shelves because they contained pictures which they were concerned would cause them to be in violation of Missouri law prohibiting schools from providing sexually explicit books to children.

Watchmen checked out at CHS

In a previous blog entry, I discussed the graphic novel book Watchmen. I showed some of the content from that book, also found on the Library Exposed website. I include a video in that blog entry where I show the content and relevant statutes.  You can find the blog post and video at Graphic novel Watchmen.

The image to the right is from a screen shot taken of the high school library catalog which shows Watchmen was in the library and was checked out to a Cameron high school student.

We obtained records from March 3, 2023 from the Cameron school district through Missouri Sunshine Law requests that show Robinson informed the board of education by email about a conversation he had with all the district librarians in August of 2022. He told the board “I sat down with all librarians in August and shared my thoughts on controversial books and shared that our day is coming, it’s only a matter of time.” That indicates he knew there were books that would concern parents and members of the community. Did they know about these books then? Why didn’t they take steps in August to avoid this issue? Has their day arrived? Hopefully it has and this means these books will finally be removed.

In April of 2023, Andi Lockridge, the attorney who sits on the Cameron board of education, asked the superintendent Matt Robinson during that months board of education meeting if any of those books, as defined by the statute she read aloud, were in the Cameron school district. He responded by shaking his head and said “no”. You can watch a recording of that board meeting that was live streamed on Citizen Observer Facebook page. The relevant portion begins around the 46 minute and 20 second mark.

Here is the current list of books which we found on the library catalog for the Cameron high school.

  • Autopsies by Jeffrey Gary
  • The Dark Knight series by Frank Miller
  • Brazen:Rebel Ladies who rocked the world by Penelope Bagieu
  • Grass by Gendry-Kim
  • Himawari House by Harmony Becker
  • How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi
  • Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
  • Red Rising by Pierce Brown
  • Salughterhouse Five graphic novel by Vonnegut
  • Speak the graphic novel by Laurie Anderson
  • Spinning by Tillie Walden
  • The Best We Can Do by Thi Bui
  • The Giver by Craig Russell
  • The Sacrafice of Darkness by Roxane Gay
  • Watchmen by Allen Moore

Graphic novel Watchmen violates MO statute 573.550, is available for children to read in Cameron, MO

The graphic novel book Watchmen has been removed from Missouri school districts for being in violation of MO revised statute 573.550 which prohibits schools from providing porn to minors. These books were pulled from schools back in 2022. Not in Cameron. This book is currently checked out and in the hands of a child in the Cameron school district at the time of this post and the video below.

You can confirm the book is currently in the Cameron school district for yourself, don’t take our word for it. In March of 2023 Dan Landi shared instructions on how concerned parents and citizens can look for themselves. I will like to his blog and that post, DON’T LOOK ETHEL!

In April of 2023, Andi Lockridge, the attorney who sits on the Cameron board of education, read aloud during the board meeting the complete revised statute 573.550 to make clear how the state defines pornography. Lockridge asked the superintendent Matt Robinson if any of those books, as defined by the statute she read, were in the Cameron school district. He said no. The video of the board meeting can be found on the Citizen Observer Facebook page. Lockridge begins around the 46 minute and 20 second mark.

This book Watchmen, despite being pulled by numerous Missouri school districts for violating law, doesn’t violate any district policy. There are no policies in place which would allow them to remove content like this, or to prevent something like it from being added. Currently the Cameron school district has two very vague and subjective policies for the selection and reconsideration of books. Those policies are IIAC and IIAC-R1. Those policies are so vague that the outcome of the reconsideration process will be dependent on the beliefs of those who are involved. Shouldn’t this be an objective process with clearly defined guidelines?

There is no policy in Cameron which currently allows parents or concerned tax payers to challenge a book, despite the majority of other Missouri schools having such a policy. The only option currently for Cameron residents to challenge this pornographic book is to address the board during the next school board meeting. Unfortunately the school board president Pam Ice has placed a ban on book discussions until the December 2023 board meeting.

It is time that the Cameron school district and the board of education stop ignoring this problem and take it seriously. They keep placing hurdles in the way and take no steps to make any meaningful change. They need to pass or change district policy that will protect our children, give citizens and parents a meaningful role in the education of our children.

Proof that the Cameron board of education does not take our concerns seriously

One of our constant concerns about the Cameron school district and the board of education is that we do not feel they are listening to us. We have been saying consistently for some time that they are ignoring us. On Tuesday night two of the board members, Pam and Staci, proved it.

In this video clip you will hear a portion of the address that Paula Allen made to the board. She referred to the April board meeting when a student told the board about sexual comments being made by teachers. Pam and Staci both asked about this teacher and when he left the school district. Had the looked into the complaint of sexual harassment of students by teachers back in April, wouldn’t the know the answer to this question? Shouldn’t they know?

This clearly indicates to me this board of education does not take our concerns seriously. It appears they dismissed Kassidy Wilcox entirely. This is why parents and students say that when they come to the district with concerns and problems that we feel ignored and dismissed. Because they are ignoring and dismissing us.

Reading passages from the book Fade

Here you can hear some passages from the book Fade which is available for children to read at eh Cameron, MO, high school. Children as young as 14 are able to checkout and read this book that, among other things, shows how a teacher grooms one of his female students.

This book also explains how a group of students are roofied and how girls who are raped after being given a date rape drug do not report the crime because they can’t remember it. Is that the kind of knowledge we should be giving to children who are constantly sexualized at school?