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Category: Public schools

Sexual misconduct by teachers at an all time high across the US

This recent article from The Lion outlines a serious problem in the United States, teachers who are accused of sexual misconduct against students. Nearly 12 percent of recent high school graduates report they were subjected to sexual misconduct by coaches and teachers. We believe there is a direct correlation between teachers pushing and discussing human sexuality with students and an increase in the number of incidents of sexual misconduct against students.

According to the US Department of Education and the Office for Civil Rights(OCR) and data they shared, there are deeply troubling numbers of reported incidents from the 2017-2018 school year. And we know not all the incidents are reported. Accord to the OCR, there were 786 allegations of rape or attempted rape by teachers during that one year period. The US Department of Ed defines rape as “forced sexual intercourse–vaginal, anal, or oral.” They also found 14,152 allegations of sexual assault against students. Sexual assault is defined by the USDOE as “threatened rape, fondling, indecent liberties, or child molestation,”

So lets plug these USDOE 2017-2018 statistics into the Cameron school district. If there are 400 CHS students and the national average is 11 percent of those approximated 400 students would mean roughly 44 of them have been subjected to sexual misconduct by coaches and teachers. Those number will obviously be lower or higher based on the actual number of CHS students.

Many will say that Cameron is a small town, surely that is a big city issue and it isn’t a problem here. In April of 2023 a CHS senior addressed the Cameron board of education and talked about comments being made by teachers in that school. Jump to the 2 minute and 10 second mark in this video.

Kassidy Wilcox addresses the board of education about the out of control students and teachers at CHS

Allowing teachers to discuss sexuality with students is a gateway to actions which result in statistics like the one the USDOE reported above. Have discussions on human sexuality and gender become more or less common since 2018? Far more common. Will this result in increases in the number of incidents of sexual misconduct by coaches and teachers? I fear it will.

Missouri needs to protect our children and pass legislation to protect our children. Other states are doing this in the form of “parents right” bills. But our school board can take steps now. They can create policy which forbids teachers and staff from having those types of discussions with our children.

Cameron school district likely ineligible for state funds to purchase books under new rule to protect children

Recently a new rule went into effect in MO, Library Certification Requirement for the Protection of Minors, that was designed to help protect children from sexually explicit, obscene and age inappropriate content while empowering parents. No surprise, the Cameron school district is in direct defiance and non-compliance with this new rule. Libraries which do not comply with these rules will be ineligible to receive state funding earmarked for the purchase of books. Rules for thee, but not for me. Why wouldn’t the school district want to comply with a requirement designed to help protect minors?

There are six requirements outlined in this rule that libraries must follow in order to receive funding from the state.  Those rules are :

  1. Libraries must create and publish a written policy describing how they consider age appropriateness when selecting materials.  – No such policy exists at the Cameron school district.  This is one of the many complaints of the citizens concerned about the books in our school district.
  2. Libraries are banned from buying materials that are “obscene,” “pornographic for minors” or “child pornography” as defined by Missouri law.
  3. Libraries must create and publish a policy letting parents and guardians determine what materials their child(ren) can access. Library workers are banned from giving material to children that hasn’t been approved by parents. – No such policy exists in the Cameron school district.  They do offer a “restriction form” but that does not comply with this requirement.  It is going to require a GOOD policy for the district to be able to comply with this one.
  4. No “age-inappropriate” materials will be displayed in areas of libraries primarily used for children or teens. – Under the new rule, parents have the right to challenge such displays.  This is good for parents AND students.  See item 6.
  5. Events held in the libraries must designate which age groups the events are deemed appropriate to allow parents to decide if they will allow their child(ren) to participate.
  6. Libraries will adopt a written policy letting parents challenge whether materials, events or displays are “age-appropriate.” Results of challenges must be published on a library’s website. – This item is big.  I will write about it below.

Just last week at a special board of education meeting the board voted unanimously to rescind policy KLB-AP1.  That policy partially complied with item 6.  But our board of education felt it was prudent and necessary to rescind the policy which allowed parents to challenge individual books if we had any concerns about the contents.

Now the district tells us if we have concerns about a book we need to address those concerns through policy BDDH-1.  You will have to request to be added to the agenda to address the board of education and ask them to consider instructing the district to review the book which concerns you.  Mind you, they are under no obligation to do so.  It is entirely at their discretion.  

The stated goal of this library certification requirement is to protect children.  Why would the district and board of education vote to rescind policy KLB-AP1 which gave parents and tax payers a process to challenge books, to try and protect our children?Why is our superintendent not complying with this new rule?  Is he not aware, or is this a deliberate act?

To the parents and tax payers in the Cameron community, its time to take a stand.  I encourage you to contact every member of the board of education and ask them why they choose to move away from the requirements that were put in place to help protect our children.  Demand answers.  And let us know how the respond.

What are gender affirming closets and why do you need to know?

The term gender affirming closet is something that I learned about this year as I began to read and learn more about the dirty book issue in Cameron. In this blog post I will share what I have learned, explain why you should know about it, and debunk the claim that there is no narrative being pushed on our kids.

A story published by the Herzog Foundation in their online publication The Lion is what prompted me to write this piece. Their story is about a school in Liberty, MO, and a grant application for a “gender affirming closet” that was submitted by the Gender and Sexualities Alliance (GSA) student group.

Document obtained by The Lion showing the grant application for a gender affirming closet for Liberty MO high school
Document obtained by The Lion showing the grant application for a gender affirming closet for Liberty MO high school

So what is a gender affirming closet? Look at the image that The Lion published of the grant application and read how the GSA in Liberty defines it. See what they want it to do with a gender affirming closet. According to Liberty North GSA, they want to create a gender affirming closet to offer nonbinary and transgender teens a safe space to express themselves through clothing, accessories, binders, makeup, jewelry and nail polish. The hope to provide accessibility to those items for students who may not currently have them.

Notice the words in bold print in the sentence above. The term accessories is broad, but I believe you should know about it. This information comes from the Daily Caller article: TransTape, Chest Binders And Packers: The ‘Gender-Affirming’ Gear Public Schools Are Stocking Up On

For biological males, an accessory can consist of “tucking tape”, some times called transtape, which allows him to tape his penis and testicles up between his legs to “hide the bulge”. It can also include a bra and something to stuff into it.

For biological females, accessories can include a prosthetic penis which would allow her to pee while standing up. These are often referred to as “packers” on websites which sell them and often require harnesses and tight boxers briefs to keep them in place. Binders were specially named in the application for that grant. They are used to bind down female breasts and hide them.

Stand-to-pee devices are prosthetic penises “designed for standing urination” for females, according to the FtM Essentials website. Harnesses and tight boxer briefs are required to keep the devices in place and it is recommended that females try the device out in the shower first to learn how to use the device.

If you scroll down to the itemized list of expenses on the GSA grant application in The Lions article you will see in the $3500 they want to spend on clothing the specifically list intimates as one of the items they want to buy.

In my home we define “intimates” as female articles of clothing, lingerie, like bras and panties. Based on our use of the word, the purpose of the grant included buying and providing panties to young boys. And it is likely that schools with these transition closets aren’t notifying parents that their child is using them.

“Who may not currently have them” is concerning to me. The reason they do not currently have those items is because, right or wrong, the parents often do no approve of their child having those items. Schools across our nation are keeping transition closets secret and training teachers to transition children’s genders and not get parental approval. In some instances, like in the quote below, children are changing clothes when they arrive at school and at the end of the day before going home. This is done to hide this secret life from the parents. We believe this debunks the myth that no agenda is being pushed on our nations children. If they weren’t pushing an agenda there would be no need to hide it.

They started in colleges, but trans closets—rooms stocked with transgender clothes and accessories for students to change into after arriving to school and back out of before going home—are being discovered in public schools with some indication they are being kept a secret from parents.

While it is suspicious to me that the Liberty school district superintendent waited to decline the grant for a gender closet until after The Lion sought records about the grant, it is good that this closet business was ended. That doesn’t mean this issue is over, just that they won’t go about it this way.

Parents and citizens should know about gender closets and be on the lookout for them. Schools should be teaching reading, science and mathematics to kids, not feeding into their gender dysphoria. Public schools are not trained or qualified to treat any dysphoria and feeding into and encouraging a dysphoria is unethical and wildly irresponsible. Any time an adult states or implies to a child that there is no need to tell the parents we should be deeply concerned.

The days of being able to blindly trust our schools are behind us

It’s an unfortunate reality of the times in which we live, but we can no longer blindly trust our schools with our kids. In this article with video, Project Veritas highlights exactly why parents and tax payers need to start paying attention and go get involved in our public schools. I believe this piece also brings up serious concerns about the tenure system and how it protects teachers who are openly doing stuff like this.

Folks, this isn’t an isolated incident. This is happening all across the United States. It’s a coordinated effort. We need to start paying attention.